30 giorni di musica: Day 9 Growing Up

Chiudete gli occhi e immaginate uno scricciolo che si sta preparando per andare al lavoro. Ha le cuffie inforcate nelle orecche e il lettore gli rimanda un disco che ha aspettato a lungo per dieci anni. Arriva questo pezzo e mentre si sta lavando i denti accenna qualche movimento con la schiena e il sedere. Ecco questa la mia reazione per Growing Up. Questa canzone ha il ritmo primordiale, il ritmo di base: quello del cuore, quello che sentiamo dentro la pancia della mamma quando ancora dobbiamo nascere. Ed è per questo che ogni volta che la sento mi ritrovo inevitabilmente a ballarla.

Folded in your fleshy purse
I am floating once again
While the muted sounds are pumping rhythm
All the walls close in on me
Pressure’s building wave on wave
Till the water breaks – and outside I go, oh

One dot, that’s on or off, defines what is and what is not, one dot
Two dot, a pair of eyes, a voice, a touch, complete surprise, two dot
Growing up, growing up,
Looking for a place to live
Growing up, growing up,
Looking for a place to live
Growing up, growing up,
Looking for a place to live
My ghost likes to travel so far in the unknown
My ghost likes to travel so deep into your space
Three dot, a trinity, a way to map the universe
Three dot
Four dot, is what will make a square, a bed to build on, it’s all there,
Four dot
My ghost likes to travel so far in the unknown
My ghost likes to travel so deep into your space
All the slow clouds pass us by
Make the Empire State look high
As you take me in your sea-stained sweetness
It spills, it tingles and it stings
All the pleasure that it brings
‘Til the door has let the outside inside here
Well on the floor there’s a long wooden table
On the table there’s an open book
On the page there’s a detailed drawing
And on the drawing is the name I took
My ghost likes to travel so far in the unknown
My ghost likes to travel so deep into your space
Growing up, growing up,
Looking for a place to live
Growing up, growing up,
Looking for a place to live
Growing up, growing up,
Looking for a place to live
Growing up, growing up,
Looking for a place to live
My ghost likes to travel
My ghost likes to travel
Moving inside of your space
My ghost likes to travel
My ghost likes to travel
Moving inside of your space
My ghost likes to travel
Moving inside
My ghost likes to travel
Moving inside of your space
My ghost likes to travel
Moving inside
My ghost likes to travel
Moving inside of your space
The breathing stops, I don’t know when
In transition once again
Such a struggle getting through these changes
And it all seems so absurd
To be flying like a bird
When I do not feel I’ve really landed here.

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